How To Get Work
Since 2004 I have gotten my next project inside of 30 days EACH TIME, so can you. Here is how::

January 2025
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you are your brand
Filed under: General
Posted by: @ 5:00 pm

If you were working on a business plan and picked up a business plan for dummies book, you would be asked in the first chapter to define your brand. Specifically:

When you are thinking about the question, ‘How am I going to find work’ if my job/contract/project no longer available to continue? The answer is… treat yourself now as if you were a business and you were doing business 101 getting ready to pull the trigger and market your new product/service/company. You are a company of one.

So — what is your brand?

Think of it this way, when you are in a job review and your manager says ‘John you did a great job at __________ and because of that effort you did that everyone commented favorably on, I am going to have you ________ from now on. How does that sound to you John?’ — what is it that your manager just complemented you on? What is strength that you excel at and are known for? Is it that you can lead a good meeting, keep a meeting on track, write memo’s that clearly define and summarize problem/resolution options, are you good at research or tracking down status reports on projects? There typically is something that you do better than most.

This is your brand, this is what you want to figure out how to position and focus on when you talk to potential employers recruiters or co-workers.

You don’t have something like this that you can nurture into a ‘we have to have John on this project’ by project leaders? Well then that’s a horse of another color and we can remedy that.

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